Protect the Loan Proceeds
Protecting the cash proceeds from your loan is usually an easier task than structuring the mortgages. Don't wait to equity strip until crisis mode hits and a judgment looms. Complete your loan and transfer proceeds into international protective entities or into exempt assets well before trouble arises.
Your end game plan is to transfer your domestic assets to some protective entity (i.e., FLP, LLC, etc.) and to fully secure those assets to one or more mortgage holders so no equity is exposed to your creditor. The loan proceeds are then moved to an international trust, foreign LLC, or self-protected investment (such as certain foreign annuities). We usually combine or layer these entities, investments, and strategies to maximize protection.
Yes, You Can Lose Everything!
You may think that your wealth is safe and that you don't need protection. But don't delude yourself and accept reality — for every 60 minutes you spend making money, spend 60 seconds thinking about how to protect it!