International Asset Protection Lawyers in Boca Raton
Protect Your Wealth Under Offshore Law
You’ve worked hard to create the wealth you and your family enjoy. Not only do you wish to benefit from your assets during your lifetime, but you probably have plans to pass them along to your children when you pass away. Without adequate protection, all of that can come under threat from an unforeseen lawsuit or other legal trouble involving your creditors. If you don’t have any Asset Protection in place, it’s time to get help from The Presser Law Firm, P.A.
Our international Asset Protection attorneys can assist clients when they want to safeguard their wealth in foreign jurisdictions. When your hard-earned money is safe from unfair prying hands, you can find peace of mind knowing you and your family’s future are protected as well.
We can help you create any of several mechanisms to safeguard your wealth, including:
- International Entities
- Captive Insurance Companies
- Cook Island LLCs
- International Asset Protection Trusts
- Nevis LLCs
- Offshore Equity Stripping
Take a step toward protecting what you’ve built by reaching out to an international Asset Protection lawyer from The Presser Law Firm, P.A. We can assist you no matter where you’re located in the U.S. and provide flat fees upfront so you know what you’ll pay ahead of time.
Understanding the Legality of Offshore Asset Protection
Some may disregard international Asset Protection outright because they are concerned about its legality. Rest assured, it’s not too good to be true. Americans can legally own and invest in foreign assets to grow their wealth and protect it from stateside creditors, lawsuits, and other threats.
You will need to report certain information to the IRS and pay applicable U.S. taxes on foreign income. Still, it is otherwise permitted for Americans to move their wealth into international accounts and entities.
It’s only when you fail to remain compliant with the tax code that you may encounter significant problems. Our offshore law attorneys can help you understand your international tax responsibilities and how to avoid conflict with the IRS.
If you’re interested in securing your wealth overseas, talk to an attorney from The Presser Law Firm, P.A. about how we can help.
Contact us online or call (561) 953-1050 to get the help you need to protect your wealth in an international jurisdiction.
Yes, You Can Lose Everything!
You may think that your wealth is safe and that you don't need protection. But don't delude yourself and accept reality — For every 60 minutes you spend making money, spend 60 seconds thinking about how to protect it!

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