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Who Needs Asset Protection?


The answer is everyone! We attract clients of virtually every age, net worth, occupation and geographic location. Although many people think that Asset Protection is only for the wealthy, this is major misconception. In fact, the less you have, the more important it is to protect it. For example, a schoolteacher who has saved up a few hundred thousand dollars over their lifetime will have a much harder time recovering from a lawsuit, which could actually be catastrophic. A multi-millionaire might not be happy, but their lifestyle is less likely to change.

Obviously, a good many of our clients are business owners, physicians and other professionals, real estate investors, and others who are more likely lawsuit targets. Our society has become more litigious than ever with over 40 million lawsuits filed on yearly basis in the United States alone. No one is immune from a lawsuit, so although you may not be in a risky profession, it is important to protect your personal assets. The majority of our clients are those who want to lawsuit-proof their business or professional practice as well as their personal assets.

It is also important for clients to understand that Asset protection is only one financial goal. You must coordinate it with your Estate Planning, as well as your tax, investment, business succession, and other financial goals. You want to create a comprehensive, integrated financial plan. For example, we integrate our client’s Asset Protection with their Estate Plan. People who need Asset Protection often have no estate plan – not even a simple will. Their need for Asset Protection oftentimes prompts Estate Planning. And we can oftentimes accomplish creative results when we combine Asset Protection with Estate Planning.

The type of clients we won’t help are prospective clients who come to us for improper purposes. We don’t want clients whose goal is to defraud creditors or try to get around legitimate debt commitments. We also have to have the right ‘fit’ with the client. Some prospects may have unrealistic expectations or may not cooperate in implementing their plan. There is a screening and a comprehensive consultation process before someone becomes a Presser Law Firm, P.A. client.

Contact The Presser Law Firm, P.A. today to learn how to protect your assets today.

The Presser Law Firm, P.A.
6199 N. Federal Highway, Boca Raton FL 33487
(561) 953-1050 or e-mail